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The video and all written content of this Website are copyright.
Copying or otherwise redistributing the video and written content of any material (unless expressly authorised by Page Biomedical Ltd), is expressly prohibited, and actionable by law.
The content and detail of this workshop on Electrical Safety in patient care area’s is produced in good faith and with refence to ASNZ2500:2004. Please contact onlineeducation@pagebiomedical.nz if you believe there is an error.
Page Biomedical NZ Ltd, its staff and subcontractors specifically disclaim liability for incidental or consequential damages and assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person or injury as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content of this video workshop on Electrical Safety in the Patient Care areas.
Page Biomedical NZ Ltd is not responsible for any ommissions or inacurracies in any content.
The knowledge in this course is intended to provide helpful information for the healthcare industry and is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. It is intended as a starting point for Healthcare staff to increase awareness in Electrical Safety in patient care areas to keep their patients, themselves, their colleagues and their employers safe. For further information refer to ASNZS 2500:2004 available from https://www.standards.govt.nz/